Die "Arts department" was die eerste tersiêre inrigting in Stellenbosch (hoofsaaklik om predikante op te lei). Hier is die eerste 5 jongmanne wat in B.A. klasgeloop het. Paul Roos Gimnasium en die Victoria College het later uit die Stellenbosch gimnasium ontiwikkel - lees hier. The arts department was the first tertiary institution in Stellenbosch (primarily to train clergy). Here are the first 5 young men who did the B.A. course. Paul Roos Gimnasium and the Victoria College developed out of the Stellenbosch Gimnasium - read here.Studente speel rugby voor die destydse Natuurwetenskapgebou. Kan iemand hierdie gebou identifiseer? Dit lyk soos die A.I. Peroldgebou maar die gewels is anders. Rugby (of oorspronklik voetbal) was 'n gewilde sport onder universiteitstudente en ander dorpenaars - lees hier. Students play rugby (or rather a form of football) in front of the Natural sciences department. Can someone identify this building? It looks like the A.I. Perold building but the gables and windows are different. Rugby was a popular sport among university students as well as other townspeople - read here for more.Die destydse departement vir die opleiding van onderwysers - die huidige ligging van hierdie pragtige gebou is onseker. Kan iemand help? Lees die storie van Denneoord College (vandag Boland College) hier. The erstwhile department for the training of teachers - the current location of this beautiful building is uncertain. Can someone help? Read the story of the old Denneoord College (today Boland College) here.'n Rugbyfoto met Mnr Paul Roos (middel voor), A.F. Markotter (links van hom met die hoed) en die trofees van 1905. Beide was groot geeste in SA se rugbygeskiedenis - lees meer hier. A photograph with Mr Paul Roos (bottom center), A.F. Markotter (to his left with the hat) and the trophies of 1905. Both were big names in SA rugby history - read more here.Die ou Paul Roos Gimnasium in Victoriastraat (toe genoem die "hoër jongensskool"). Vandag is hierdie gebou die US visuele kunsdepartement (lees oor Stb kuns hier) langs die Neelsie studentesentrum. The old Paul Roos building in Victoria Street (then called the boy's high school). Today the building houses the US visual arts department next to the Neelsie student center (read about Stb art here)'n Foto van Ds Neethling wat met sy kar en perde gaan huisbesoek doen. Hy was getroud met die suster van John en Andrew Murray - lees hier. A Photograph of Rev J.H. Neethling doing house calls (huisbesoek) with his horse and cart. He was married to the sister of John and Andrew Murray - read here. Hierdie foto is geneem by Banhoek, maar vir die storie van Sir Lowry's pas, lees hier.Twee geboue wat gebruik is vir die destydse Stellenbosse Gimnasium. Beide Ryneveldstraat en Dorpstraat was twee van Stellenbosch se eerste strate. Two buildings that were used for the erstwhile Stellenbosch Gimnasium. Ryneveld Street and Dorp Street were two of Stellenbosch's first streets.'n Meer onlangse foto: Vlotoptog tydens 'n 1970's karnaval. In die ou dae was Die Van der Stelfees Stellenbosch se grootste feesdag - lees daaroor hier. Vir die storie van die braak lees hier. A more recent photograph: during the 1970's RAG carnival procession. Back in the day the Van der Stel festival was Stellenbosch's main festival - read about it here. For more about the Braak, read here.
Artikel: Y Coetsee (2017)
Sources/Bronne: Gedenkboek van het Victoria College (1918)